/ Primary School
Our primary section is in Sinhala medium and we have two primary sections at present. One at Mailapitiya which is our main branch and the other being situated at Kandy. Both the branches functions in Sinhala medium.
/ Secondary School
The secondary school (grade 6-11) functions in all 3 mediums (Sinhala, Tamil, English). The first English medium ordinary level will finish this December. The senior school (grade 12/13- Advanced Level) functions in Sinhala medium and offers commerce and arts subjects. A strong and stable program has brought our students who were qualified to the university education for their outstanding scholastic performances.
At present the advanced level functions only in the Sinhala medium and it is our ultimate goal to offer the program both in Tamil and in English in the near future
The Special English program offers non-credit college courses at various levels for students whose mother tongue is not English, who want to learn and improve their spoken English, and who did not meet the English language proficiency requirement for regular admission to the college.